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  LONDON,England.A capital city full of art and history.An important political centre.A huge financial market place.


  Whatever you think about London,visiting as a tourist is very different from living there.Each part of London has its own character.Some parts are richer than others,or more industrial,or have better housing.


  Let's start with the centre,the "Square Mile".This is the oldest part of London.In the past,this is where all financial business was done.Not many people live here,but 300,000 people work here every day.


  Moving west,we come to the West End.This busy shopping and entertainment district is bursting with things to do.Take a walk down Oxford Street,past big department stores like Selfridges and Harrods.Rents here are very high,a one-bedroom apartment may cost around 1000 pounds (14,845 yuan) a week.


  Further away is West London.This area is more residential and very fashionable.Go see the home of Diana,the Princess of Wales:Kensington Palace.Notting Hill,made famous by the film starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts,is here.


  The East End contains the Port of London,which historically is where many immigrants first arrived.Waves of French,Belgians,Jews,Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have all lived here.This makes the area very diverse,but also quite poor.It has a reputation as being dangerous.Since London won the bid to hold the Olympics in 2012,many Londoners hope that housing,education and employment for many people in this area will improve.


  It is difficult to be general about London.The city is made up of a "collection of villages",each area with its own character and community.


  Put them all together,and you have London,a cosmopolitan capital.



  Big Ben

  London's famous ancient bell or Big Ben (Big Ben), the palace of Westminster Chimes (coordinates: 51 degrees 30 '2.2 n ". 07 00 degrees' 28.6" W) British Chamber of Congress; the clock tower, built in 1859. Installed on the east side of Westminster Bridge North Capitol high 95 meters tower, bell tower surrounded by a round the clock disc diameter 6.7 meters, is a traditional London landmarks.

  英国伦敦著名古钟或称大本钟 (Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫报时钟 (坐标:51°30′02.2″N, 00°07′28.6″W)英国国会 会议厅附属的钟楼,建于1859年。安装在西敏寺 桥北议会大厦 东侧高95米的钟楼上,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直径为6.7米,是伦敦的传统地标。


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