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Directions 8

Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the picture,
2. interpret their meaning, and
3. make your comment.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.




This picture sets me thinking for a long time. The parents themselves are playing mahjong, but they are telling their little child loudly: “Work hard. Don’t let us down.”

The drawer reminds us of a common social phenomenon. Nowadays, more and more parents wish children to study hard in order to embrace a brilliant future, but many of them do not know how to turn this dream into reality. We come across many parents who ask their children to attend all kinds of training classes, but is it that important in the making of a good student and later a successful person?

What is really important, according to the drawer, should be something else. That is the environment created by the parents and felt by the child. How can a child grow up into a scientist who loves research when the noise of playing mahjong is always there? Actions always speak louder than words. If parents turn off TV and family cinema, stop all noisy games and get down to reading quietly, the positive impact on the child will be considerable. In the years to come, the child will gradually learn concentration, which is an essential part of the learning process.

Across the nation, parents are investing more and more money on the education of their child. If they have a closer look on the learning process, they will know what is important is often how they behave, not how much money they spend.




句子中的好的用法一定要日积月累,这很重要。第三段的首句中有插入语的用法。第二句有名词由两个平行的过去分词短语修饰的用法。第三句中的when the noise of playing mahjong is always there是个精彩用法,表示“一直有噪音”,如果说没有噪音,可以说when the noise is down。第四句是个谚语,需要平时积累,注意使用时务求准确。第五句在条件状语从句中,有平行的动宾结构。本段最后一句中in the years to come是个好词组,表示“在将要到来的数年中”,之后有非限制性定语从句的用法。
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