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一. 雅思口语机经预测解读


二. 雅思口语机经预测用法


1. 尽早入手机经


2. 话题归类总结


3. 准备素材


三. 雅思口语机经预测使用注意事项


1. 使用新版机经预测


2. 口语机经不要背题背范文


烤鸭注意 雅思口语考官不会告诉你的评分标准“隐含项















雅思口语part 2范文内容:苹果商店的一次服务体验。我有一个小型的Mac Mini,我用了三年。4月的一天,机器毫无预兆地不能启动了。我尝试了各种方法,但无法解决这个问题,所以我把它送到了最近的苹果商店。一个年轻人帮我检修,重装系统,几分钟后,多亏了这个年轻人,我的Mac Mini获得了重生。

Let me talk about the experience in an Apple Store. I had a small Mac Mini which I had used for three years. One day in April, the machine could not boot without warning. I tried various methods but couldn’t solve the problem, so I sent it to the nearest Apple Store which was located in the Wangfujin. That shop was newly open and it was quite spacious and there were not many people in there. There was a young man who took my mac, and checked it thoroughly. He asked several questions politely about when the machine was black screen, and what I was doing the last time the computer was fine. After a couple of minutes, he advised me that the hardware of the machine was good, and there was something wrong with the software, and it was best to reinstall the operating system, which would take me ten minutes before it was finished and reminded me that all the data in the computer would be erased. After I agreed with his suggestion, the young man immediately started to install the latest operating system for me. Several minutes later, thanks to the young man, my Mac Mini was reborn.

I was quite satisfied with the service the young man provided, he was obviously well-trained, and he was quite patient to fully understand what problem was with my mac and used his professional skills to deal with it. Besides, he was very proficient in his field, and seemed very reliable to me.


Describe a wild animal in your country.

You should say:

what animal it was

what it looked like

where you saw it

and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.


One never tires of watching lovely red-crowned cranes.

Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almost five feet tall and has long legs. It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey.

Cranes are regarded as a bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all bird species. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China as symbols of longevity.

The image of the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long. So people use them to symbolize longevity. Red-crowned cranes dance the most beautiful dances in the world of birds. While dancing, they half-open their wings, and they jump around and sing for each other. That's why peopele consider crane as elegance.

Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species. Despite protective laws, poaching continues to remain a problem.



Describe a wild animal in your country.

You should say:

what animal it was

what it looked like

where you saw it

and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.


One never tires of watching lovely red-crowned cranes.

Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almost five feet tall and has long legs. It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey.

Cranes are regarded as a bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all bird species. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China as symbols of longevity.

The image of the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long. So people use them to symbolize longevity. Red-crowned cranes dance the most beautiful dances in the world of birds. While dancing, they half-open their wings, and they jump around and sing for each other. That's why peopele consider crane as elegance.

Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species. Despite protective laws, poaching continues to remain a problem.

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