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1. 各类词汇,谙熟于心


新闻偏好词 ,如soar(猛增,上升),sway(控制),swoop(攻击)等。

外来词 ,如faux par(禁忌),per se(本质上),perrata(成比例的)等。

专业词 ,如jurisdiction(管辖权),IVF(试管婴儿),default(拖欠),reserve(储备)等。

熟词僻义 ,如marginal(毛利的,边缘的,非主流的,以少数超过的等)


2. 句法结构,分类击破


a.长句 ,这类句子在快速阅读中只需抓主干舍从属,其中的让步状语从句、同位语、定语从句、并列结构、分割插入结构等可以迅速掠过,整句理解不受个别难词影响。

b. 特殊结构句 ,It is too funny not to take it seriously.(这事情太滑稽了所以一定要认真对待。)这样的句子看似简单却常常使考生在匆忙中形成相反的解释。

c.俗语 ,这主要指一些对大陆考生来说较陌生的英语俚语,谚语,成语和一些约定俗成并无典籍可查的地道表达,需要我们在平时的训练中有效地积累。

3. 篇章结构,思路分明


4. 背景知识,举足轻重

高级口译考试中听力翻译部分对于背景知识的考察已经成为许多考生的致命弱点所在,阅读部分的理解效果更是建立在背景知识的撑托之上,05年3月高口Section 2第4篇涉及了一系列宗教背景的概念,如:


Blue laws(美国殖民地时期清教徒社团颁行的蓝色法规,禁止星期日饮酒及娱乐等世俗活动)




Fourth commandment (犹太教十戒之第四戒,规定人们一周必须工作六天,第七天即安息日可以休息)


5. 控制节奏,主次分明

我们都知道,任何一个论说型语篇都是由TS/ts (全文主题句,段落主题句以及相关的抽象句)和Subordination(各类支持性细节)构成的。试题也永远是围绕论点论据以及它们的相互关系展开的。然而在快速阅读中正常人类都很难做到面面俱到,这就要求我们抓大放小,张弛有度地读文章,在把握TS/ts的基础上掠过Subordination的具体内容,知道后者用来支持什么就可以。这种先慢后快的方式是绝对磨刀不误砍柴工的。

6. 跳读顺序,明智取舍


7. 分辨题型,有的放矢



8. 集中意志,避免神游




Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August 2019

近期,个别域外大国罔顾南海局势持续向好的事实,就所谓南海“紧张局势”无端指责中国,欧盟高官也表达了关切。为了让欧洲读者更加全面认知南海问题,我愿意向广大朋友们讲讲南海的故事。考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。








Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August 2019

Recently, despite the continued improvement in the situation in the South China Sea, a major power outside the region has kept making unwarranted accusations against China over the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea. Senior EU officials have expressed similar concerns. To help European readers get a full picture of the South China Sea issue, I wish to share with you the other side of the story.

As its name suggests, the “South China Sea” is to the south of the Chinese mainland. China was the first country to discover, name and develop the South China Sea islands. As early as in the 8th century, shortly after Europe entered the Middle Ages, China started administering the South China Sea. China has maintained close exchanges with the littoral states of the South China Sea and has enjoyed friendship with peoples of these countries from generation to generation. Before the 20th century, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands had never been challenged.

After the end of World War II, China used naval ships provided by the United States and recovered the South China Sea islands illegally occupied by Japan. On the islands, the takeover ceremonies were held and troops started to be stationed. As part of the post-war international order, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands has been widely recognized by the international community.

However, with the discovery of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea, some littoral states have sought to seize islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands, and made claims to maritime entitlements, leading to disputes in the South China Sea. That being said, China has been committed to settling the disputes through negotiation with the countries directly concerned, and focusing on practical maritime cooperation. Such efforts have contributed to the overall peace and stability in the South China Sea as well as development and prosperity of countries in this region.

We would deserve a more peaceful world, were it not for the instigation and trouble-making of some forces for their own agenda. The South China Sea is unfortunately no exception. A major power outside the region has deliberately hyped up the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea and accused China of “militarizing” the region. The fact is that China has every legitimate right to deploy necessary defence facilities on its own territory. That major power, with the world’s most powerful military forces and hundreds of military bases across the world, has kept staging military exercises in the South China Sea and sent large warships there for the so-called “freedom of navigation” operations, trying to turn the South China Sea into an arena for major-power wrestling. This is THE source of tensions in the South China Sea.

That major power enjoys raising the South China Sea issue. Yet on some multilateral occasions, its representatives would take the exit immediately after finishing what they had to say, giving little heed to the call of the littoral countries for peace and stability in the South China Sea. It is fair to say that when it comes to the South China Sea issue, that major power cares about things totally different from those of China and ASEAN countries. Its real agenda is to muddy the waters and seek excuses to justify its military presence in the region, in order to uphold its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific and maritime supremacy the world over.

That major power always questions the “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea, but there is nothing to question at all. More than 60% of China’s foreign trade and energy supplies pass through the South China Sea, so China has a greater stake in the freedom of navigation than any other country. The reality is that more than 100,000 merchant ships pass through these waters every year and not a single vessel has ever run into any problem with the freedom of navigation. When a major power outside the region talk about the freedom of navigation, does it mean to have a license to do whatever it wants in other countries’ territorial waters? This might be the real question.

Littoral states share the commitment to maintaining peace and stability and promoting cooperation in the South China Sea. China would not allow its territorial sovereignty and regional security to be undermined, nor would it allow any major power outside the region to muddy the waters. It is our hope that countries outside the region could respect the wishes and choices of countries in the region and play a more constructive role. Any attempt to impose one’s own selfish agenda or blindly follow suit from the outside would only pose real risks to peace and stability in the South China Sea.


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