
美国历届总统简介:第13任总统 米勒德菲尔莫尔

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Millard Fillmore was born in the Finger Lakes country of New York in 1800. He was the 13th President of the United States, serving from 1850-1853. As a youth, he endured the hardships of frontier life and lived in a log cabin. His rise to wealth and the White House demonstrated that through hard work and some ability, "an uninspiring man could make the American dream come true".


In 1823 he was admitted to the bar; seven years later he moved his law practice to Buffalo, in New York state. He held state office and for eight years was a member of the House of Representatives. In 1848, he was elected Vice President. He presided over the Senate during the months of nerve-wracking debates over the Compromise of 1850 when the south wanted to leave the Union.


The sudden death of President Zachary Taylor in July 1850 elevated Fillmore to President. One of his first bills was the Fugitive Slave Act, in which runaway slaves had to be returned to their owners. Opponents nicknamed it the 'Bloodhound Law' after the dogs used to hunt escaped slaves. He also saw California become the 31st state and abolished the slave trade (but not slavery) in the District of Columbia.

1850年7月,扎卡里·泰勒突然逝世,菲尔莫尔得以继任美国总统。他颁布的第一个法案是《逃奴法案》,该法案规定,逃跑的奴隶必须回到奴隶主身边。反对派将该法案比喻为追捕逃跑奴隶的猎狗——“血腥猎犬法案”(Bloodhound Law)。同时,在他任职美国总统期间,加利福尼亚成为了美国的第31个州,哥伦比亚特区的奴隶买卖(不是奴隶制)被废止。

He was quite active with his foreign policy. He championed the rising trade with Japan and sent Commodore Matthew C. Perry to establish relations with the Japanese. He quashed Napoleon III's attempt to annex Hawaii by threatening military action, and did likewise with the British over their efforts to invade Cuba. Out of office, he opposed President Lincoln throughout the Civil War. He died on March 8, 1874.



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