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  我相信很多人都有看过木偶奇遇记的故事,以下是小编给大家整理的关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译,希望可以帮到大家

  关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译<一>

  记得小时候,曾经见过一张三维立体卡片,就是那种卡片上的画面能随着视觉角度变化。在那张卡片上有个木偶,就是本故事中的主人公——Pinocchio(皮诺奇)。木偶的鼻子会随着角度变化而变长。这张卡片有着与“狼来了”的故事同样的寓意,那就是:做人不可以撒谎。在这个童话里,撒谎的孩子,鼻子会变长。虽然我们有white lie(善意的谎言)一说,但大部分时候,我们还是希望听到的信息都是真实的。在此,许下一个小心愿:希望世界上所有人都像Pinocchio一样,学会做个诚实的好孩子。

  The fairy shook her head. "Pinocchio, you must not lie," she said. "Your nose is getting longer. That means you're lying. You will never be happy if you lie."

  Mastro Antonio was a carpenter. He had a red nose that looked like a cherry, so everyone called him Mastro Cherry. One day, Mastro Cherry was making a table. He found a piece of wood and hit it with his ax. The wood cried out, "Please don't hurt me." Mastro Cherry looked around. "Who was talking?" he wondered.


  He hit the wood again, and he heard the same voice. "Ouch! That hurt even worse!" Mastro Cherry looked at the wood. Was it talking to him? Just then, an old friend walked into his shop. The old man's name was Geppetto. He was a puppet maker. Geppetto wanted a piece of wood. He was going to make a puppet.


  The carpenter gave the strange piece of wood to Geppetto. The old man took the wood home. He sat down at his table and began to make the new puppet. "I will call this new puppet Pinocchio," he thought. First, he cut out the puppet's head. Suddenly, the puppet's head began to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" said Geppetto.


  "Stop it right now!" The puppet stopped laughing, but it stuck out its tongue.


  "Such a naughty puppet," said Geppetto. "Behave yourself, or I will not make your legs or your feet!"


  The puppet was quiet. Geppetto made the neck, the arms, the chest, and finally, the legs. Now, the puppet was finished. Geppetto wanted Pinocchio to walk. He put him on the floor. He showed him how to move his legs. The puppet learned fast. He started walking faster and faster. Then, he was running around the room. "Ha! This is fun!" cried Pinocchio. He ran to the door and out of the house.


  "Stop!" cried Geppetto, but Pinocchio wouldn't listen. He ran down the street. Geppetto followed him, but he was too slow. He couldn't catch the little puppet. Pinocchio hid behind a wall. A policeman saw the puppet and picked him up.


  "Who are you?" asked the policeman. "I've never seen a running puppet before."


  Just then, Geppetto arrived. He took Pinocchio in his hands, and shook him. "You are a naughty boy!" he yelled. "You must listen to big people! We are going home and I'm going to punish you!"


  The policeman heard Geppetto, and took his arm. "You shouldn't hurt young boys," he said. "I'm going to take you to jail." Then, he put Pinocchio on the ground and took Geppetto away.


  关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译<二>

  Pinocchio was very happy. He ran back to the old man's house. He was happy to be free. He ran inside and closed the door. Then, he heard a little voice. It said, "You shouldn't be so naughty. Naughty boys have unhappy lives." Pinocchio saw a small cricket talking to him.


  "You are only a cricket," he said. "What do you know about life?"


  The cricket answered, "I have lived here for one hundred years. You must listen to me. If you are always naughty, you will be sorry."


  Pinocchio laughed. He didn't believe the cricket. He just wanted to eat, sleep and have fun. Now, he was hungry. He looked around for something to eat. He found an egg and broke it open. Inside, there was a baby chicken. It jumped out of the shell and flew out the window. There was nothing else to eat. Sadly, Pinocchio climbed into Geppetto's chair. He put his feet on the stove and fell asleep.


  The next morning, Geppetto came home. He wasn't very happy. He knocked on the door. Pinocchio woke up, and tried to go to the door. He couldn't move because his wooden legs were burning! They were almost gone!


  "Let me in!" cried Geppetto. "I am tired and I want to sleep."


  "I can't move," replied Pinocchio. "My legs have burned off!"


  Geppetto climbed through a window. He saw the little puppet on the floor. It was true. His legs were black and smoky.


  Geppetto felt bad for Pinocchio. He gave the hungry puppet three pears. The puppet ate them up quickly. He was still hungry, but there was no more food. Pinocchio asked Geppetto to make him some new feet.


  "I will do this for you," said Geppetto, "but you must promise not to run away."


  "I will be good," promised Pinocchio.


  "You must also go to school and study hard," said the old man.


  "If this is your wish, I will do it," said the puppet.


  Geppetto sat down at his table. He made two new feet for Pinocchio. He also made the puppet some paper clothes. Pinocchio looked very handsome in his new clothes. Then, Geppetto went out of the house. Pinocchio needed a notebook. Geppetto didn't have any money, so he traded his coat for the notebook. When Pinocchio saw the old man, he ran to him and hugged him. He promised he would work very hard in school.


  关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译<三>

  The next day came. It was time to go to school. He waved to Geppetto and walked out the door. Soon, he came to a large tent. Inside it, there was a puppet show. Many people were laughing inside, so Pinocchio wanted to go inside. He thought he could go to school later. The ticket seller asked him for a penny. He gave his notebook to the fat man. Now, Geppetto had no coat, and Pinocchio had no notebook!


  Pinocchio went inside the tent. Everyone looked at him. The puppets were surprised. Pinocchio could move without strings. They asked him to come to the front. Pinocchio quickly ran to them, and all the puppets danced around. The people watching were very happy. They yelled and clapped loudly. The puppet master was also very happy. With Pinocchio, his puppet show would be famous. He gave him two gold coins, and told him to come back the next day.


  Pinocchio walked out of the tent. He didn't want to go to school. He thought he was rich. Outside the tent, he met a fox and a cat. They looked very poor. The cat asked him for some money. Pinocchio wanted to buy a coat for Geppetto. He told them he couldn't give them his coins.


  "Don't buy the coat now," said the fox. "You should wait until tomorrow. Tonight, you can bury your coins in a magic field. If you bury two coins, there will be two hundred tomorrow!"


  "Come with us," said the cat. "We will show you the way to the field."


  Two hundred gold coins was a lot! Pinocchio followed the cat and fox. They walked for a long time. Finally, they stopped at an inn. Everyone was tired. They ate a big dinner. Then, they took a rest. Pinocchio fell asleep quickly. Suddenly, a man was knocking on his door.


  "Wake up!" called the innkeeper. "Your friends have left. They want you to meet them in the forest."


  "Why didn't they wake me up?" asked Pinocchio. "Now, I must pay for all the food we ate!"


  Pinocchio gave the innkeeper one gold coin and ran outside. The road was very dark. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He turned around. Two robbers were standing there! They wanted Pinocchio's money! He ran away from them. He ran and ran, but soon he got tired. He saw a small house, and knocked on the door. Nobody was inside. Just then, someone grabbed his arms. It was the two robbers.


  "Give us your gold coin," said a robber. "Do it now, and we won't hurt you."


  "I am very sorry," said Pinocchio. "I don't have it now. I dropped it on the road."


  The two robbers looked for the gold coin. They didn't know it was in Pinocchio's mouth. They got angry, and they put Pinocchio into a tree. Then, they went away. They both had tails. It was the fox and the cat! Inside the house, a fairy with blue hair saw the puppet. She asked a bird to bring him inside. The bird flew to the tree and carried the little puppet inside. The fairy talked to Pinocchio.


  "Don't be afraid," she said. "I will not hurt you. You can sleep here tonight."


  "You are very kind," said Pinocchio. "I have had a long day."


  The fairy put him in a bed, and Pinocchio fell asleep.


  关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译<四>

  Pinocchio woke up the next morning. There was a plate of food beside his bed. He ate the food, and walked downstairs. The blue-haired fairy was sitting in a chair. She told him she knew Gepetto. He was looking for Pinocchio. He was sailing on the sea to America.


  Pinocchio felt bad. He wanted to make Geppetto proud. "I'll get a notebook and go to school," he thought. He told the fairy he wanted a notebook, but he had no money. His nose began to grow. The fairy said, "Is that true? You don't have any money?" Pinocchio knew he had a gold coin. He was lying. Again, he said to the fairy, "I am just a poor puppet. Please give me some money." His nose grew longer.


  The fairy shook her head. "Pinocchio, you must not lie," she said. "Your nose is getting longer. That means you're lying. You will never be happy if you lie." Pinocchio saw his nose. He dropped his head. He promised not to lie again. The fairy told him to work hard. Then, he would be happy.


  The next day, Pinocchio went into the village. He bought a notebook, then, he went to school. He wanted to learn very badly. He studied very hard. The other boys were lazy. They liked to tease Pinocchio. He was just a puppet, but Pinocchio was stronger than they were. He kicked one naughty boy. The boy shouted in pain. After that, no boys teased him.


  One morning, Pinocchio was walking to school. Some boys saw him. One of them asked him, "Do you want to see a big shark? He's swimming in the sea now." Pinocchio didn't want to miss school, but he went with the boys. They walked for thirty minutes. At the beach, there was no shark. The boys laughed at Pinocchio. "Ha! Ha! We tricked you."


  Pinocchio was angry. He said to the boys, "You are all lazy and stupid. My head is made of wood, and I am smarter than you all!" The boys were angry and tried to hit Pinocchio. Pinocchio couldn't fight against so many boys. He turned around and ran to the sea. He jumped in and swam away very quickly.


  Soon, he felt safe. He looked behind him. None of the boys could swim. He laughed and stuck his tongue out at the boys. He didn't see a large fish swimming near him. It was a whale! Suddenly, everything was dark. Pinocchio was inside the whale's belly! "Hello there," said a voice. Pinocchio knew the voice well. It was Geppetto!


  关于Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记英语故事带翻译<五>

  Pinocchio hugged Geppetto. The old man was happy to see Pinocchio. "I have been inside the whale for two years," he said. "I didn't think I would see you again." Pinocchio was sorry for being so naughty. He said, "I promise to be good, Father. You will be proud of me."


  Now, Pinocchio and Geppetto wanted to leave the whale's belly. The whale was sleeping, and its mouth was open. They climbed out of its mouth and swam away. The seashore was far away. Geppetto was very old, and soon, he was tired. Pinocchio tried to help him, but he was too small. Then, a tuna swam up to them.


  "How can I help you?" asked the tuna.


  "My father is very tired," replied Pinocchio. "Can you carry us to the shore?"


  The old man and the puppet climbed onto the tuna's back. He could swim very fast. Soon, they came to the shore. Pinocchio and Geppetto thanked the tuna, and walked to the road. There, they saw the fox and the cat. Now, they really were poor. The cat couldn't see and the fox couldn't walk.


  "Please help us," they said. "We have no money or food."


  "You always trick and hurt people," said Pinocchio. "Why should anyone help you?"


  Pinocchio and Geppetto walked up the road. There, they could see a house. Pinocchio knocked on the door. "Who is it?" said a little voice. It was the cricket. This was his house.


  "How could you buy a house? You are only a cricket," said Pinocchio.


  "I didn't," said the cricket. "The blue-haired fairy gave it to me."


  The cricket let Pinocchio and Geppetto live in his house. Geppetto was very old. He could not work. Pinocchio found a job on a farm. He worked hard every day. He needed to make money.


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