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  in this conversation, oscar davidson, the owner of a chain of retail clothing stores, is talking to kathleen harbrough, his financial manager, about a big deal one of his competitors has just concluded.

  kathleen: have you heard the news, oscar? the infashion merger with artingdales has just been approved.

  oscar: yeah, i heard. they've just leap-frogged ahead of us by a good margin. our 265 shops nationwide pales in comparison to their 710. on top of that,they now have a top manufacturer as part of their operation.

  kathleen: for sure. most analysts think that debusy manufacturing was the crown jewel of artingdales.

  oscar: this really gives infashion a huge competitive advantage over us. do you have any news on potential acquisitions we might go after?

  kathleen: actually, i do. you may be a little surprised at this one. i've been checking up on clarisa exclusives.

  oscar: clarisa! they've never shown any interest whatsoever in a merger, and they would probably never agree to an acquisition.

  kathleen: i know, but the time might be right for a takeover.it's not a well-known fact, but their finances are in poor shape. actually, they could turn out to be a sleeping beauty. i think their assets are highly undervalued in the industry.

  oscar: wow, that would surely put us back in the thick of things. ok, kathleen, give me a report on the finances involved as soon as you can. let's go after them!


  在以下这段对话中,oscar davidson是一家服装零售连锁店的老板,而kathleen harbrough是他的财务主管。他俩正谈论一个竞争对手刚完成的一笔大买卖。

  kathleen: 嘿,oscar, 你听说了吗?infashion和artingdales已经成功合并了。

  oscar: 我听说啦。他们已经大步向前,把我们远远甩在后面了。你看,全国范围内,我们只有265家店,而他们却有710家。另外,现在还有一个顶尖的制造商加入了他们的行列

  kathleen: 的确如此。大多数分析家都认为debusy制造公司是arlingdales最具实力的拳头部门。

  oscar: 这无疑给infashion增加了不少竞争砝码,而我们已处于劣势了。对了,对于我们下一步的收购计划你有什么目标吗?

  kathleen: 当然。或许你会有些意外,但我现在确实在关注clarisa专卖店。

  oscar: clarisa!他们对合并可从来没有过什么兴趣,我想他们更不会同意被收购。


  oscar :好啊,那肯定会使我们脱离困境的。这样吧kathleen,你尽快给我一份涉及相关财务状况的报告,是 我们大显身手的时候了!


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